- Strictly NO ‘walk-in’ enquiries permitted to enter the studio.
- Any questions or enquiries about the studio MUST be emailed to admin@roseandthornpilates.com.
- Maximum of 27 persons incl. staff are permitted in the studio as not to exceed 1 person per 4 sqm of indoor space.
- The studio can comfortably accommodate 12 participants plus an instructor to comply with physical distancing requirements of one participant per 4 square metres and to also ensure participants maintain 1.5 metres from each other when at an exercise station.
- All equipment has been positioned to support 1.5 metres of physical distance between people while they are using a piece of equipment or exercising at a designated exercise station.
- No spectators are permitted in the studio whilst exercise sessions are being held.
- Dedicated ‘one-way’ studio entry & exit doors.
- A 15-minute transition interval has been introduced between exercise sessions to minimise crowding at lockers.
- The studio has a 'lockout' policy for non-participants during exercise sessions and until participants from one session have exited.
- Participants asked to maintain physical distancing outside the studio while waiting for a class​.
- Hand sanitiser is accessible at entry and throughout the facility.
- The water fountain is not available for use. Clients B.Y.O. water.
- All participants are to bring their own clean towel for use on the bench.
- All participants wear clean socks in the studio.
- Each client has their own bench during exercise sessions.
- All equipment is disinfected and dried before each use.
- High-touch areas are disinfected after every use.
- There are stations throughout the studio for disinfectant wipes, hand sanitiser and gloves. available for use gloves are worn to clean and sanitize the studio.
- Payments are only EFT.